Begin Here

If I try to seize this self of which I feel sure, if I try to define and to summarize it, it is nothing but water slipping through my fingers. I can sketch one by one all the aspects it is able to assume, all those likewise that have been attributed to it, this upbringing, this origin, this ardor or these silences, this nobility or this vileness. But aspects cannot be added up. This very heart which is mine will forever remain indefinable to me. Between the certainty I have of my existence and the content I try to give to that assurance the gap will never be filled. Albert Camus

The importance of Rational Existence and the ideological change that will overcome those who newly understand the principle is impossible to overstate.  It is opening one’s eyes to the universe as personal experience and not as it was explained.

Existence, our own or that which is around us, can only by be seen by association.  What we know are aspects and attributes of existence and relationships to real existence.  We do not see existence itself.  Abandon the thought that we can know the reality of anything but rather accept that what we know is how we relate.

All human knowledge is relational, there is nothing known by any other means than how it relates to other known things.  Our intellect models how things relate.   We do not know existence or non-existence or essence but rather relations and association.

We cannot know planes of existence, platonic forms, ontology, real existence or metaphysics. It is futile to theorize a secondary or tertiary reality outside of our own. The human intellect makes models, tells stories, designs, copies and orders those elements of reality we discover in our lives and categorizing types of reality does not help us understand our worlds.   Abandon attempts to qualify or differentiate realities or classify types of existence.  This is how the journey to personal existence, to rational existence begins; by recognizing a universal existence with nothing outside of existence, making no attempt to further define or qualify our obvious existence.

Consider the importance of the word. Our worlds are built upon the concepts constructed and communicated in words.  The meanings of each word carefully delineated and mostly shared make possible shared understandings, shared models, shared designs and shared endeavors.  Although it is possible to think or design or conceptualize without words, using symbols, signs, lines and connections, we resort to words to communicate such things to others.

The stories that build our lives originate with others communicated to us with words.  We cannot even be said to know or understand a concept that we ourselves cannot put into words.  The basis of all human knowledge is represented in words and with those words we each build our personal realities.  Our existence is based upon the way we have understood the reality of existence internally, based upon the words of others, the names, relationships, ideas and stories we have understood from their words and from our own experiences.

That is not to say words are our realities only that our intellect and all understanding came to us via ideas communicated by others with words.  By accepting those ideas we built our reality both personally and collectively.  We live in a world built by ideas and conceptualities mostly communicated by others through words.

The Manifesto