Street Epistemology: John and Shane

John:  Shane, What’s your take on the conceptual level of understanding reality vs the actual reality that is independent of human concepts? Is there much of a difference for you when you look at it? I don’t see Kent’s base assertion here as a problem, as much as I see his assertion that there’s evidence […]

Epistemology with John

Kent:  If any relationship, aspect or attribute that exists in the universe is of more value, use, or worth to humanity than another then some sort of rational order, that of value, exists as physical reality exists John:  Do you see a non-rational order (that we could develop a human framework of value within) as […]

Conversations of RE

Rational Existence is a belief system which asserts human existence is nearly entirely rational, not physical. Words and ideas are the stock and trade of humanity, and certain ideas are inextricable from our existence. Here I will mention the idea of value. If any relationship, aspect or attribute that exists in the universe is of […]

Book Everyone Read

Short stories and advice. Where did you hear it?  What is the source of that information. 1.Dinner party, got a following, so I say there are three levels of communication.  I had read and tried to make sense of R. D. Lange in an earlier life and once imagined these levels while reading how Lange […]

Mazda Gang?

Windowless driving, not like summer and not a convertible.  Breezy.  The guy was a third my age, sorry, but well groomed and said: Maz the Gang? I am not that conscious of my car.  I have several every year, register three or four and sell and buy and fix.  The Mazda 6i I was driving […]

That’s Not Science

These days partisan pro-science groups argue that science is the proclamation that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old, climate is changing, evolution is fact, vaccines are good, and science itself is under attack.  Such statements show a deep misunderstanding of what science it. Heavy things fall as fast as light things. Solid objects are 99.9999% […]

Counter Intuitive Science

Heavy things fall as fast as light things. Solid objects are 99.9999% or more empty space. What we see as color is the reflection of light wavelengths.  Energy is mass and vice versa. It should matter not a jot or tittle what is true intuitively.  Skeptics know only what is shown and explained with models and […]

Evolution Led Us to Art and Science

Heavily edited and revised with many names removed for safety (mine) and some might not be in order of time. ME: It would seem that those calling themselves receptive skeptics might look for interesting turns and twists when looking at people who hold to theories of Intelligent Design.. My favorite is that view of the […]

RE Means Story Tellers

The human being is separate and superior to all other known creatures by reason of the story.  We are story tellers.  No other creature is a story teller. Our existence is defined by our stories.  The future of humanity is the rational thinker, but for now our stories are themselves the reason of being.  We […]

Movie Pitch

The Pitch The Pitch: What you are about to read is an idea as world changing as Newtonian Physics. In fact, this idea explains Newtonian Physics and Linnaean Taxonomy as a valuable conceptualization due to Rational Existence, and they are some of the better conceptualizations. If you are still listening you are one of the […]