New Dreamcatcher

This dream catcher is several months old, but it has served well.  Only recently I have started having dreams again.  I have always enjoyed my dreams.  This one had my brother in Costa Rica, having bought a camp ground, was running it and a little deli restaurant by himself.  I noticed how much happier he […]

Truthiness and Headline Journalism

We don’t take the time or effort to understand beyond the headlines.  Headlines suggest and we fill in the gaps without any input.  It just SHOULD be easy to understand, so we make it easy.  It isn’t true, but it is truthy and easy to put in a headline. Truthiness and its relation to Climate […]

Shine Your Spirit

The guy behind the counter at a coffee store just glowed.  I mentioned it to him.  He acknowledged it, then went to the next customer.  He was competent, smiling slightly, open and “on”.  I said “you positively glow today” and he nodded. Last night I had a dream.  Parts of it were extremely lucid, especially […]

Opinions, Beliefs and Ignorance

If an opinion is wrong we can show that it is wrong. From the article: NO, IT’S NOT YOUR OPINION. YOU’RE JUST WRONG BY Jef Rouner: “Opinion, or worse “belief”, has become the shield of every poorly-conceived notion that worms its way onto social media. There’s a common conception that an opinion cannot be wrong.” One may […]

RE and Skepticism

Skepticism doubts all proofs without regard for the fact that all proof, all skepticism is itself based upon the existence of proofs and the lack thereof. There are several bases for skepticism, and many social and philosophical movements that call themselves some form of skeptic.  The Scientific Skeptics seem to have little more purpose than […]

The Rational Virtual Reality

Picture all of the universe covered with dominoes that, as they fall over, another domino from behind stands it up.  In my brain it looks more like a slinky, but the dominos are a better representation for a switch, (on/off, yes/no, one/zero) as they fall down and stand up.  This is machine language, like the displays […]

Tautology and Necessary Truth

Proof of Rational Existence is tautology: RE is the idea that ideas have a rational existence.  It is not possible to acknowledge the existence of any word or thought without acknowledging RE. If a tree falls in the woods there is no existence of the action if there are no beings in the universe which understand […]

OSD — Minen

The tablet says today is the day I write.  I never write much, but today I want to write everything.  It has been nearly a week since the Just Science arrived and we were separated so I haven’t seen any of them since, but the wonders I have seen are, well.  There is a reunion […]

Our Souls Decide

My dear Derek.   As you receive this document you are no doubt feeling betrayed.  But you are being helped, if you only knew it. You might think that I am the one who betrayed you, but nothing could be further from the truth. The blessed Assembly who gave me this assignment knows so much more […]


Acceptance of Rational Existence is acceptance that the basis of humanity is rational and further that our rationality has existence.  It is a simple idea that goes to the foundation of all thought and all understanding.  RE calls on us to examine what it means to exist but does not concern itself with qualifying or otherwise defining existence.  […]